The Fish King

Released: September 2022

The fish king was made as a solo project in 4 days during the Unreal Megajam 2022

  • You are a fish! Your goal: get food to survive!
  • Unfortunately this is easier said than done! The King of the aquarium has the full power over the food distribution, and he wants you to work for him for which he will reward you with food!
  • Explore the 3 caves of the aquarium and bring shiny diamonds to the King - but beware, these challenges are exhausting for little fish like you.
  • Luckily, other fish of the aquarium are catching onto you and since you are their connection to the king and food, they are eager to work for you and are waiting until you give them their cut!
  • Will you be a fair middle fish between king and the villagers? Or do you want to be on the throne yourself without caring for the others.

Technical Realization:

The game was made in Unreal Engine 5


